Ok, I PLEASE need some advice on this one (either by email or post).
I invited a very single friend to the wedding (no significant other, not dating, etc). But, there aren't many people she will know, so I expected she may bring a +1, even though I addressed her invite ONLY to her.
I was right. But instead of saying +1, and the person is definitely "x individual," she wrote back "um, to be announced."
2 weeks passed. No news. So I emailed her the other day with "Can you please let us know? We've been lenient on the guest policy with you because you may not know many people. We need to know for planning purposes." and I got this response: but I don't know who i'm bringing. i would like to bring someone, it would make me feel more comfortable. i will ask my friend matt maybe on thursday. i'll get back to you soon about this.
I'm kinda getting ticked off. She does not realize that this is not the typical wedding, so for all she knows, we're incurring the typical $50+ per head per person in food costs alone, not counting cake, not counting wine, not counting other beverages, not counting appetizers.
I really want to respond "if you want to bring someone, they'll have to brown bag it," but I suspect that's inappropriate.
Thoughts? oh, and this person has never been married, never planned a reception, etc. But she is in her mid-late 30s, so you'd think she'd have an idea, right?
My Potted Clivia Miniata
3 hours ago
I'd just plan on a guest coming. Inconsiderate, yes, but you can't change that. One of my aunts did not even rsvp until the day before the wedding, so... . There's always someone like that. Just plan on one extra. Imho.