I feel like I can't complain about being tired, as many of my friends are new parents and, well, they are MUCH more tired than I am.
In my world though, I'm tired.
I'm currently sitting on the couch, wrestling with the guestlist. There is a cat behind me who thinks my ponytail/bun is something for him to butt his head with. His paw occassionally bats my cheek/shoulder as if to say "Hellooooo?"
I made 220 rolled rouladin this weekend, cooked them, and made gravy. They are now frozen in gravy, in the freezer at B's.
Ok, there are two cats now. One behind me still up to his antics, and one next to me, continuously grabbing my hand to hold it (he missed me this weekend, I can tell).
We met with the photographer.
B had a batchelor party. I was on-call, and gave the rides home.
We figured out where to take photos.
I made a schedule, detailed, for Thurs, Fri, and Sat (2 pre wedding days and wedding day).
I arranged to meet with one of our helpers tomorrow to figure out who does what when. Sort of a meeting to get the ball rolling. I also made a list of stuff going on.
Now I need to find the energy to get up, away from purry-mcgee and ponytail batter and get tableclothes sewn. Sigh. I just wish they didn't look at me so sadly when I get up.
My Potted Clivia Miniata
3 hours ago
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