First up, my seemingly-abandoned garlic patch. Well, I kind of had to since I couldn't water the patch for a while before harvest!
And let me tell you, it smells AMAZING. And tastes amazing!
German red garlic. Mmmm.
In another part of the yard, the Georgia Jet Sweet Potatoes are finally taking off!
My purple runner beans are climbing steadily.
My scarlet runner beans are also climbing steadily.
And, true to their name, they are producing scarlet flowers!
My saucer squash plants are producing blooms!
My Middle Eastern Heirloom Hybrid Squash is pretty much edible size!
My ground cherries have really spread out, and they are slowly producing fruit!
Those little tomatillo things will turn yellow and, inside the husk, there are sweet yellow cherry-type fruit.
My trifono violetto (my purple pole bean)
My long cucumbers!
But, look at the baby beans on them!!!
My multi-pole beans-- yellow, purple, and green.
And they produce white flowers.
My yard-long rattlesnake beans. They may not end up producing much, as they ended up having their box partially shady. The tree above them grew and really filled in with leaves. Oh well. Lesson learned for this box.
Basil-- after 3 pickings yesterday. Still a lot of good stuff.
Tomatillo plants-- purple and green.
Baby tomatillo. The plant will form the husk first and then the fruit will grow inside.
Peppers! Look at those two anaheim chilies!
Pumpkin vines.
Baby pumpkin! I didn't plant too many pumpkins because we know where to get cooking pumpkins cheaply.
Tomatoes! It looks overgrown, but it's actually more orderly than it looks.
See? There are rows.
And, there are baby tomatoes! I really hope we get good harvests. We're so far behind this year...
Yummy everbearing raspberries. Mmm.
Apples in the tree!
Fingerling potatoes!
Crazy ginormous rhubarb... in August. Crazy, I know.
Another rhubarb shot (different plant)
Everbearing strawberries!
And that, right now, is the garden. There are also some more plants here and there, but that is the big picture look. :)
Oh Jessika, You must be eating so well. What a veritable feast! I'm green with envy, just looking at that head of garlic.
ReplyDeleteOh wow your garden looks amazing, everything so big and gorgeous and green!! My poor poor shriveled up mess, lol! This Texas heat is just too much sometimes.
ReplyDeleteLove that garlic, I will have to try some next year!
Wow!! I think my favorite has to be the raspberries, because it takes me back to memories with my grandparents in North Dakota.