Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stretching dinner...

Last night I had this report to do... so what to do for dinner? B got home late, almost at 8, so I wanted to start something...

I like hamburger helper, but I dislike how gooey it is. And there's a lack of veggies too.

So, I cooked up the ground beef.
Then I added a chicken breast and a half and cooked those up.
Started about 1.5 cups of long-grain brown rice cooking.
Added in the water and seasonings to the meat.
Added an additional cup and a half of noodles to the noodle/meat mixture.
Chopped up an old tomato that was still good but not good for sandwiches.
Added a zucchini.
Added the 2"x3" leftover of lasagna about 3-4 days ago (still good), all chopped up.
Added about 1 cup of the leftover summer squash from 3-4 days ago (still good), all chopped up.
Added seasoning salt and some chicken broth powder
Added the cooked rice.
Stirred it all together & let it boil/simmer down.

Result: Leftovers used, and it tasted pretty good! And, we made a $1.50 pack of hamburger helper result in about 4 lunches and 3 dinners.


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