Trellises are slooooowly being put up for the pole beans. I'm going in order of largest plants first!
What is amazing is how all the plants were in different directions before the trellis, and now, they are all pointing toward the trellis. Amazing.
The chicken coop pen extension has one panel done... I just need to get the energy to do the second panel. Hopefully tonight.... we'll see.
Those teeny rhubarb plants I got a while back have definitely settled in. They have just continued and continued to produce. I will need to make some rhubarb raspberry jam here soon!
The cucumbers also got a trellis. I changed the design for their trellis because cucumbers are not as good of climbers as pole beans. I had to kind of help it along, but so far, so good!
Close-up shot of a few of the cucumbers. Happily, my best cucumbers right now are my lemon cucumbers. I LOVE those, so this is a good thing.
The eggplants have developed blossoms...
All the peppers are blooming and also have baby peppers.
Pssh. And look what I found this morning. An almost tennis-ball-sized tomato. Seriously. How this occurred without me seeing it, I don't know! But it makes me happy. Actually, I do know... this plant was in the center row, and so it did not get the attention of my inspections as much as other plants. Sneaky little thing!
The pumpkins (the type to use for pie, not for carving) have lots of blossoms.
The tomatillos have baby tomatillos on them and lots of blooms.
And, my squash are getting BIG!
So tonight, I'll work on the chicken coop extension. Hopefully that will get finished soon....
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