Camping went ok. Traffic was bad getting out of town, so I didn't get down to B until 7:45. Ugh. Come 10pm, we decided to find a motel somewhere and crash there. Just wasn't worth trying to find a campground and a camping space in the dark. I think our friends were disappointed, but I think it was for the best. Both B and I were in a good mood the next morning, which I suspect would not have been the case had we gotten in at 11:30, finally gotten to bed around 12:30-1:30, and then been woken up around 6/7.
We walked on the beach. Watched our friends' crazy dog race around in the COLD surf and sand, had fun, etc.
I discovered curry lentil tempeh. Oh yum yum yum.
I was the fire-creator. Go me. Though on the coast the wind changes pretty frequently, so I constantly got smoke in my face.
We drove back up the coast, just in time to make it into B's town in the middle of a few great thunderstorms. Yikes! Oregon doesn't get too many of those, so it was pretty darn neat.
We went by the humane society because we'd never been to the one on the west of town. Eh. Not very impressive.I think a lot of people go there (good thing), so it had this "animals don't stay here for long so eeh on conditions" feeling. Well, at least for the dogs. The cats were all in one big room (for the most part), and I didn't like how the peopel could go from one room to the other without having to disinfect their hands (the stations were there, but not well-enforced). And there were not FIV positive cat rooms, which made me nervous. Oh well.
We're not getting another animal too soon, but we like to know where we want to someday go. I'd rather go to a lesser-known private adoption group than a popular city society. Both sources have "shelter animals," but if one's more popular, we'd rather go to the lesser. We'll see.
We ran a few errands. I had to hunt to find gas for my drive up this morning because the power was out in a bunch of places.
When we got home we watched "Inkheart" where the dad (Brendan Frasier) can make books come to life when he reads them. It was pretty good! Then we opened the rest of our presents. We got so many lovely things that we cannot wait to use. Silverware! Beautiful glassware. SNOWSHOES!
But now I must write thank you notes. B said he'll help. I told him I'll give them a go for starters and then he can pinch-hit. He was very satisfied with this. I have married such a wonderful man. Really. I can't wait to live with him. It breaks my heart every Monday morning to have to part for the week.
My Potted Clivia Miniata
3 hours ago
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