Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My husband

My husband is a man who promises to rescue me when I am embattled by a too-heavy-to-lift-on-my-own rug currently residing in my car.

He's unafraid to personify the cats, even giving each cat a different voice. He also frequently uses LOL talk, like making things plural to sound more cat-like (how'd that ever come to happen?), for example "hey yous. YOUS! Feeds me! I's so hungry. You suck! I has a hunger!"

He's allowed his place to be a storage unit while we go through this transition.

He's actually wants to listen to a stupid song on the radio if it means I am dancing and singing to it. 

He's the man I miss SO much. Every evening I think... "2.5 hours from now I could arrive in his town if I leave now!" Every evening. Multiple times.

He loves it when I'm happy.

He's concerned about me. He gives me soo much freedom, but it's with a caring undertone. Wondering where I'm going to look at a craigslist ad. Asking for me to give him a buzz when I have a long car ride. Not possessive; caring. Loving.

He goes on adventures, tracks down things to make our house a home, and spends his weekend running errands with me. For us. 

I love to hug him. The feeling is mutual. 

How did I get so lucky?

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